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No Rest for the Wicked

No Rest for the Wicked - A.M. Riley But, but...I don't WANT it to be over!

Sad day indeed. It's a pleasant surprise to see Adam become this new, more considerate person. His humor and devil-may-care attitude has become dulled in the presence of new revelations of his life (or not-life, depending on how you look at it). He loves Peter, but the events of the last six months have definitely put things in perspective.

So Adam is still the loveable anti-hero. He's just even more loveable now. And more of a hero, if you wanted my opinion that is.

We get more of the characters from the first book (Betsy, Caballo, Drew, PETER, and Jonathan). We also get a couple of newbies. Despite this relatively large cast of characters, I appreciate AM Riley's ability to always keep the spotlight on Adam and Peter.

The whole mystery aspect of the story was alright, but then again, I'm not a huge mystery fan myself. I liked how the mystery and investigation was used to keep Adam and Peter together. They didn't get enough "together" time in the first book, so it was nice to see that remedied in the sequel. I do wish the story explored more into the uncertainties in the future between an immortal vampire with a human lover. This series could definitely use another book (heck, I'll take a novella or short story even!) to see how things settle. Especially since this uncertainty was the cause of much anxiety for Adam.

So yeah: action, sex, mystery, and Adam x Peter together time. I just wish there was more!